Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lonny Mag

I think I am reading all the popular online decor mags. (Lonnymag, Rue, Nesting Newbies, plus others I have found and forgotten) Pluses are the links and possibility for videos. Minuses are the annoying sizing -- how the heck do you READ some of this stuff? Still, these mags feel like a very immediate way to find new stuff and I appreciate editors who take the time to put together layouts. Lonny to me seems the best example and I liked this link from their mag very much

Buffalo Leather Baskets

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sustainability Goes to the Dogs

Sustainability Goes to the Dogs

This would also make a really great cat litter cover.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Suzanne Kasler Zinc Harvest Basket - Ballard Designs

Suzanne Kasler Zinc Harvest Basket - Ballard Designs

I want this for umbrellas.

Set of four vintage bird cage trays by oragracevintage on Etsy

Set of four vintage bird cage trays by oragracevintage on Etsy

There was a sort of delicate design sensibility that was around in the 60s. This is a good example of it -- I remember similar design from Barbie Doll packaging for example.