Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Conde Nast you make bad choices

First Domino. Now Lucky.
When I picked up the latest copy of Lucky I noted that there was something off about it besides the extreme lack of advertising. The copy had that slightly too breezy tone, punctuated with lots of " royal we" edicts -- sort of hearkening back to 50's teen mags that tell you how to make boys like you. The thing about that is the soul disappears out of it, I can't recognize a real person in all that chatter.
A flip to the editor's page - No Kim! To the back page - No Andrea! And the rest of the magazine wasn't much of an improvement.  I see they are now targeting teens  with clothes that I wouldn't have worn at that age much less now. In an issue that is supposed to show how to dress for work? Disassociated.

To be fair I did note that they brought back some home shopping.
I was therefore extremely happy to find I want to be her! Andrea Linnet is back with a blog that is sort of the essence of Lucky as it was. I hope it is HUGELY successful, paving the way for fashion online editorial like Lonny did for home decor and I hope that Conde Nast goes into Chapter 11. Or minimally whoever decided to axe Domino and rip the soul out of Lucky gets the heave ho.

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