Monday, April 25, 2011

so pretty and I want it so I bought it - uh no I guess I didn't.

yoga mat. From here. Well, here are my justifications: helps artisans, its exercise related and it will look really cool rolled up and propped next to the TV reminding me to exercise.

So completely weird -- here is the email I got from this place when I asked for shipping status:

Hello Norine,

We are updating our store so there are a few cliches in the pricing and 
shipping.. We saw your order for the yoga mat but we have to work out the 
cliches first.. So we will be cancelling your order and refunding your payment.. 
We will keep you posted when we finish updating.


ronnie shaw
sankofa center 
The only thing I can figure is they felt they undercharged somehow and so are not going to sell at their advertised price.  Not good.

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